Sunday, February 28, 2010

This week's last post!

Well, lets c hi...nothing much had happen ovr de weekend tis time. Seriously!
They gave friday as a holiday bcuz it maulidur rasul thingy. is cumin...tis is damn freakin bad wei...rumah biru now number 4!!
Crap..was number 1 nw number 4!!! wth???!!

We better atleast de minimum we wanna get is number 2!!!

Haizz...hope la..tis time we'll win. but tis yr kawat is absolutely gud!
Damn neat,loud n very SEMANGAT!!

hmm...hope...they'll win la...Goin church later...than we're bck 2 skool 2mrw..n exam fever starts!!!

Tats all 4 now..c ya next weekend!


Sunday, February 21, 2010

De last 4 de week

Hey, so tis wud b my last post for the week. Yea nothing new, happened so far.
I went for sunday skool, today..well it was okay.
SO, de season of LENT has started. Which means we have to fast. Well, i'm not fasting due to health issues. De health issues i mean are i can faint very easily if i dun eat properly n stand under de sun 2 long. drunkie friend came bck frm Australia. She went thr 4 holidays 4 alamost a week. She enjoyed herself.

Can't wait 2 see all my friends bck again after the 1 week "holiday".
Vevian,Jo-kym,Dhivya,Sharu and many more.

Luv,hugs n kisses...
tc..n chiaos!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


De holidays have started, and it will be ovr soon.
2mrw wil b watching movie de percy jackson movie ( watevr its called ),
show's @ 1.40pm. Hope 2 hav fun.
We : Buva,Jasdeep,Jezebel (me),Levashini n Manoranjini
< alphabetic order.>

So, tis person who i did nt @ all want 2 c, i saw. Haizz..jz...want 2 ignore him @ times bt wat 2 do cannot. SHEEISH!!

So..tats it 4 luv n hugs n kisses...

Monday, February 15, 2010

CNY @ Michelle's

Pictures la, we had loads of food there. We had mee,fish ball,nuggets,beef rendang n BBQ chicken..yum yum...

We had kinder of a mini-photo shoot.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Chinese New yr!

Happpy chinese new yr! Lets c, tis week has been a very bz week. Bcuz of sum stuff la.
2day sumthing very very shocking happen. GUESS WAT???

We de 2K students were studying very quietly in class, than de security guard cums 2 class wit a bouquet of flowers wit fererro roche. We all gt shock. He asked 4 Li Wei. Evryone went WHOA!!!!

She has a secret admirer frm ACS!

Tis holidays wil b our 1st holidays 4 de yr! N i hav so many things 2 do.
a) Michelle's house-sunday
b) Eunice's house-tuesday
c) Movie Day-wednesday

tats bout it so far...i bought 2 new bks which is called EVERLOST n The Vampire's not tat into you! De 1st one is a ghost story n de 2nd is bout vampires.

One of de quotes in de 2nd bk is : DOES LUV BITE? n hugs n GONG XI FA CAI!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Jz wanted 2 say!!!

Happy Chinese New Year!!!!!!! 2 all my fellow chinese fwens n Happy Holidays 2 others!!!

hAIZZ..Its holidays so fast..we honestly need a brake. So tiring la de sukan, merentas desa n such!

Sheeish!! Neways..tats it...

Sunday, February 7, 2010


Normally, sundays go very quickly. Bcuz, 1st we hav sunday skool in de morning, than sum sundays gt tuition lik 2day n then we go 2 church in de evening. Than hav dinner outside cum bck late, day OVR!

Wow...2morow as i said in other post, gt sukantara. Very stupid la. Haizzz wat 2 do. I have a nephew named Matthias, and now his bout 1yr +. He has a favourite word and its banana. I have no idea y on Earth, wit all the other words he chose n liks BANANA.

I'm listening to Replay. Its such a nice song.
Shawty lik a melody in my head...hmm..luv tis song!

Chiaos 4 nw. luvs...

Saturday, February 6, 2010

The Lord.

Well, i have been a catholic, christian for about 14 yrs of my life which means since i was born. I worship de Lord with all my heart and always want to learn n understand bout him more.I gt a question : DO WE LOVE JESUS???

The answers frm all wud b YES YES N YES!!! Hw do we show tat we luv him, we wil b faithful hw we wud show him tat we r his. We dun belong 2 nyone except him! We adore him,respect him,stand for him,speak up for him,reach out for him!!! He's our saviour, the loving father, an awesome friend like no other!, a king, a teacher, his abba, we all love him. Pray 2 him n seek his help n he will cum. Open de door wide in ur heart when he knocks. Remember 2 open, dun 4get or ignore. Love him with ur heart, follow de commandments, read de bible, pray day n night n u wil hear him.

He luvs evyone one of us!! Evnthough we do n wil do many wrong doings! He died for us on a CROSS! His had a burden bt he underwent it with all his might n patience jz bcuz he loves us. The god de almighty, sacrificed his son jz 4 who>????? US, YOU N ME.

God luvs us n wil protect us. Can i get an AMEN!!! AMEN!!!!

We shudn't talk behind other's bck, shudn't pin point others or blame each other.
Evry part of our lives, we wil b guided by de Lord, if we put trust,faith n obedience in him. He wil provide!

God luvs u tis i noe, for the bible tells me so.
Remember tis sentence, its frm tat song where wen we were kids it use 2 b a hit!!!

Bless us all LORD!!! Amen!!!
luv ya! :D

Wise words from the Lord

Jz wanted 2 share sum

:D because the Lord disciplines those he loves,
as a father he delights in.

Blessed is the man who finds wisdom,
the man who gains understanding.

for she is more profitable than silver,
and yields better returns than gold.

PROVERBS 3:12-14



Skin changed

I changed de skin of my blog as u can c. Hmmm..nothing new yet other than i have tuition 2morow which is a sunday!!! its @ 2pm - 4.30pm, Sejarah n Geo.
Haizz..sunday is also disturbed.

Than, on monday we gt stupid sukantara which wil b held in de stadium. Than we hav 2 continue skool. WTH????? ayo..other skools oni 1 sesi bt our skool 2 rajin. All de students wud b soo tired n after tat expect us 2 study.

2 day during de merentas desa, me n Vvn planned 2 walk de entire journey wit Mano. Then we catched up wit Dhivya all @ de stadium. In de stadium, there were these guys running or practicing or sum sort la. Dhivya n Marion as usual wanted 2 disturb them n they did. De boy gt angry, or wat i dunno..he chased after Marion bt she ran soo fast until he cudn't catch. Vvn n Mano shouted " tak blh lari jgn la lari ", bt end up tat dumbo wanted 2 chase me. Stupid fellow!! he kept staring we jz ran...

tats it, luv , hugs n chiaos


De musical notes picture represents me liking music, de earrings picture represents me of liking jewelry n de last picture which is picture of kesha is bcuz i lik her new song Tik Tok...


TO de B, to de L, to de U, to de E,
BLUES are the best from the west to the east!!!!

Blue rocks wei!!! Din @ all expect 2 win n yet we gt 1st place!!! wth??!!!!!!
am soo happy...kinda lost my still can talk la. Gudness we all screamed lik mad humans on Earth!!! I think sekolah Istana wud hav heard us!! la..showing tat Convent Rocks as well!!!! n aso senamrobik tis yr was damn freakin cun!!! Our skool is following de countries theme somehow " 1 MALAYSIA ", by putting tamil songs all. We had 2 dance 2 Oh, Oh Sanam n Bad Boys frm both tamil films!!! 1 MALAYSIA, nt bad.. we thought tis yr gonna b another Jai Ho fortunately it wasnt!!!

I was soo hyper jz nw, nw i gt 2 recharge my batteries!!!
Wohoooo...last yr we won 3rd n tis yr we won 1st!!!!

Purple won 2nd,3rd was Red,4th Yellow n 5th was Green..

i found out tat BLUE stands 4 : loyalty, faithfulness as well a protection against evil?? wow..

luvs, hugs n chiaos!!!
c ya!!!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Guess wat??

I found tis group 2 join in fcbk, n it sounds damn cun n catchy!!!
Listen or c..wateva la...

" Dun Kanye me, or I wil Chris Brown u n Tiger Woods ur mother!!!"
Sounds so catchy, so tats y planned 2 post it out..hehehe

Science Txt bk, whr de hell r u???

Gudness hav been looking my whole entire study room, i find NOTHING, NOTHING. nOTHING i say!!
Sheeish!! Neways, tats not de point.
We hav tis fwen (so called), dun wanna mention name. She keeps lying 2 all of us. She's creating stories n blaming others. Pity my fwens bcuz i wasn't in de fight so it doesnt involve me.

My fwen Sabrina liks a guy..( old n long story ), she's joining sunita tuition centre tis sunday. N de guy she lik last time aso cumin..O.oooo.
SOUNDS very exciting. Jasdeep aso cumin, bt oni in March cuz tis mth she'l b goin India n havin prayers n such so nt tis mth la.

2day in skool, de last subject was BM, so after finishing our work we had bout 37 mins left b4 leaving de skool. So we we're enjoying de view of de 2E students playin volley ball during their PJ. They hav so much fun. Bt our class gets 2 do exercise? Haizzz...

Oh yea, we dun reli lik tis gurl ( 4 sum reason ), n guess wat she's joining Mr.Rames tuition centre..ayoyoyo..ryte? Bt then she'll b a perfect match 4 Lingesh , tis guy in our class. PERFECT MATCH!!!!

Tats it i guess so far, o ya..2morow is merentas desa..hope 2 hav fun n not faint!
Luv,hugs Tc
Chiaos!!! <3

Thursday, February 4, 2010


Hey, skool...has been quite bad lately...
Me and vvn..wore our shades to the kenal trek, but tcher was lik " awk nk pegi melancong ke nk pegi kenal trek"

We were lik haizz...tis one aso wat 2 do..we won't do it again n hope others won't do as well.

So, skool nowadays makes me sooo bz, feeling lik 24hrs is not at all enuf! Sheeish!
Tat day during our kenal trek, we had to walk thru de Stadium Suleiman a.k.a Kota Raja,
we saw all tis La Sallians walking bout bcuz dey had some kind of pra-sukan thingy.
Vvn met her fwen, Jesson.She said she saw Sri Ram all..but dunno la, i wasn't looking.

So, lets c..hmm...they're having tis choral speaking competition in skool. And we auditions n guess wat we hav 2 do? SING! i dun mine singing bt they wil choose de song, not us, tats bothering me.2 de MAX!! Other than tat, we dun hav tuition tis saturday, bt sunday bcuz having sekolah ganti. But our skool having merentas desa. Neways it wil b replaced on sunday.. bt sadly gt no sunday skool..its gonna b a boring sunday huh??

De other day, after kenal trek, we had few more mins b4 goin home so we we're chit chatting as usual. I was asking Tasha de whole story of Twilight!! i was asking bout eclipse and braking dawn. She told me de whole story!! Wow it sounded pretty cool...hope wen de movie cums out, it wil b 2..

Tats all 4 now, n hugs

oh ya i 4gt 2day durin latihan rumah sukan ( GO BIRU !! ), we had 2 high jump. I think it was my evry yr theme or habit 2 go underneath de pole not jump ovr it. Frm far it looks kinder short bt wen u gt close, BAMM!!! Its freakin high!!!

Bt as usual, i went underneath!!!! Cool gurl nearly broke her specks 4 trying 2 hard..thank gudness it din brake...

So, tats it..Chiaos!!

Oh ya...keep 4getting, b4 logging into tis blog, i 4got de email add n password..i was lik wth?? hw on earth can i i gt it figured it out..

SO really tats it!!!