Friday, June 24, 2011


B to the L to the U to the E, Blues are the BEST from the East to the West.

Everybody say Red! *Reddd* Can do it! * Can do ittt* Put your hands in the air! *Wooh Wooh* Like you just don't care!*Wooh Wooh*

There are soo many cheers! Sports dayy tmr like I said earlier. This Year its my skool's 79th Sports Event. So yea its kinda grand.
The Red House, their theme is Pirates! Blue House, theirs Marines! Green House, theirs Hawaiian. Yellow- Lions and Purple- Narnia! Evryone is soo excited!

LOL. Tmr I'l be going home earlier cause got tuition. So I'l go home bout 9.30pm like that. Well guess what? Blue House is the First from the Bottom! Cun rite? xD. HAHA.
Im so the very bored. Had Pizza for dinner. Parents went out for a movie. Sister's friends are here. Brotha Aaron went out. Brotha Isaac watching movie at HOME. Me? Well you know what la. :)


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