Guess watt? This June will probably be the LAST and FINAL time I'l be onlining. Yapp, PMRRR is getting very the CLOSE. Have to start studying already. After the PMR exam, well you don't to tell me, especially my BATCH. The naughtiest, most evil, most fun, most awesome, most out of evrything gonna do it ALL!
After 5 years of me living in this house, finally there is an air-corn in the study. Every other part of the house has an air-corn except for the kitchens and the gym. Other than that, evrywhr ohh yea the toilets ofcourse la dun have! xD.
Soo Thank you Uncle Jamie. :) Neway. Pmr is not only freaking my soul out but freaking my parents wants as well. Speaking of studying. Subjects like History, Geography are memorizing and stuff which is not that BAD. Butt KH is just SUCKISH. Errrghh.
OHHH YAAA! Since June is the Last, I have to post this like NOW. My school's Canteen Day!!! Its on the 10th of July 2011. Everyone is invited. Get your tickets from any Convent Student *waves hand in the air* xD. Joking I did not wave.
Rm10 per Booklet
Convent School Compound
9am till 3pm
:) Everyone come okay?
Ohhh important thing : Non Smoking Area.
Soo yea that would probably be the LAST MAJOR EVENT of my school.