Friday, June 10, 2011

Gone with the Wind.

Holidays are freaking coming to an end. 2 weeks seriously went soo fast. Went with friends only once this time. Had fun. :). Evryone was there and I mean EVRYONE^^.
HAHA. Neway, sadly we watched Kung Fu Panda 2. It was my second time watching it. But this time in 3D. So it was nott tat badd. Kinda cool actually in 3D.

Wen home at 6pm. Just the same time I reached home, my brotha reached home as well. Where did he go? Well, he went to pick up his friends who are from the UK. So yeaa..
They all looked very NICE.xD. Friendly. There was one of his friends who was lik I dunno 7 foot tall or sumthing. SOO the TALL. WOW.

-Chiao- More updatesss soonnn... Hopefully..

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