Wednesday, October 13, 2010


School has sadly started. Well, the fact we're all actually going to school is to see all our friends once again. XD
Yesterday tuition was weird.All of a sudden weird ppl, beginning to answer questions n all in class. Lik wat Sai did. Tcher asked him sumthing, he took pretty long but he gt thru... he gt it rite. XD, lol
Thn, we were teasing our "friend", his 17, we all call him clown a.k.a elephant. Thn tats it la, nothing much happened in tuition. MONDAY, I din go tuition bcuz we had the rosary at home, so yea.
today sadly is a WEDNESDAY, we as in my class have 3 masa of KH!!! Tats lik going to hell for about 2 hours! sheeish. Actually the kerja kayu is WAY easier compared to the switching and the sowing and the needle-ing. lol... seriously. Ltr in the nite, I gt tuition at Pn.Asiah's. She's gona go bout saying "Habis sesi berbual!".
Tats bout it, since today is wednesday, we all usually have to wear our unit beruniform, but it has been so long I mean a week since I wore my blazer, so I'l wear my blazer. ^^
Chiaos~ <3>