Saturday, June 4, 2011

My second home :)

Haha. Where? JJ is my second home. I went to JJ three times yesterday :P. Wow. It was awesome, shopping with mum. Well I din buy nything. Din c nything tat EYE catching. U noe what? Jj is like where you meet evryone other than in skool and ttn n etc. SERIOUSLY. Meeting 4 of my school mates is NOT COOL. xD. I saw, Dharshini,Yay-shodha (lol), Syuhada and Li Wei. Wowwww.

Neway, few hours more and my brotha will touch down. It has been bout 5-6mths since he has came here. Cant wait! =) Hope he has a safe flight and no turbulence.

Soooo... No plans yet for the day. I don't there will be any. Probably my brotha will be tired after his flight. So evryone will be "chilling" at home! Eheee.
Today dun have ttn cause its the King's Birthday.Happy Birthday King! lol. Yeaaa.

Tmr no sunday skool and the week after aso :(. Missing all my friends so badly! Butttt sooo Don't Want To Get Back To School!. Seriously. LOL.

-chiao- Missing everyone!!! :|