Friday, February 12, 2010

Chinese New yr!

Happpy chinese new yr! Lets c, tis week has been a very bz week. Bcuz of sum stuff la.
2day sumthing very very shocking happen. GUESS WAT???

We de 2K students were studying very quietly in class, than de security guard cums 2 class wit a bouquet of flowers wit fererro roche. We all gt shock. He asked 4 Li Wei. Evryone went WHOA!!!!

She has a secret admirer frm ACS!

Tis holidays wil b our 1st holidays 4 de yr! N i hav so many things 2 do.
a) Michelle's house-sunday
b) Eunice's house-tuesday
c) Movie Day-wednesday

tats bout it so far...i bought 2 new bks which is called EVERLOST n The Vampire's not tat into you! De 1st one is a ghost story n de 2nd is bout vampires.

One of de quotes in de 2nd bk is : DOES LUV BITE? n hugs n GONG XI FA CAI!