Friday, February 5, 2010

Guess wat??

I found tis group 2 join in fcbk, n it sounds damn cun n catchy!!!
Listen or c..wateva la...

" Dun Kanye me, or I wil Chris Brown u n Tiger Woods ur mother!!!"
Sounds so catchy, so tats y planned 2 post it out..hehehe

Science Txt bk, whr de hell r u???

Gudness hav been looking my whole entire study room, i find NOTHING, NOTHING. nOTHING i say!!
Sheeish!! Neways, tats not de point.
We hav tis fwen (so called), dun wanna mention name. She keeps lying 2 all of us. She's creating stories n blaming others. Pity my fwens bcuz i wasn't in de fight so it doesnt involve me.

My fwen Sabrina liks a guy..( old n long story ), she's joining sunita tuition centre tis sunday. N de guy she lik last time aso cumin..O.oooo.
SOUNDS very exciting. Jasdeep aso cumin, bt oni in March cuz tis mth she'l b goin India n havin prayers n such so nt tis mth la.

2day in skool, de last subject was BM, so after finishing our work we had bout 37 mins left b4 leaving de skool. So we we're enjoying de view of de 2E students playin volley ball during their PJ. They hav so much fun. Bt our class gets 2 do exercise? Haizzz...

Oh yea, we dun reli lik tis gurl ( 4 sum reason ), n guess wat she's joining Mr.Rames tuition centre..ayoyoyo..ryte? Bt then she'll b a perfect match 4 Lingesh , tis guy in our class. PERFECT MATCH!!!!

Tats it i guess so far, o ya..2morow is merentas desa..hope 2 hav fun n not faint!
Luv,hugs Tc
Chiaos!!! <3