Thursday, April 14, 2011

April-ish May-ish?

My goodness why are there so many events in APRIL n MAY?. Really. TOO many, until Im getting lost on what to wear, where.

a) 21st - Holy Thursday :)
b) 22nd - Good Friday :)
c) 23rd - Easter Vigil :)
d) 24th - EASTER DAY! / Go-Green Event???!! :) :D =) =D
e) 28th - Prefect Camp? -.-
f) 29th - Second day Prefect Camp -.-
g) 30th - ACS'S IU Day / Charity Nite :D
h) 1st of May - Fr.John's Farewell :')
i) 6th - Sha's Wedding? :)

So many events, so many things to wear. Today I got a new pair of shoes!!!
Jeans looking HEELS. Loving them.

-chiao- Cant wait for ALL these EVENTS.