Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Is it a new you?

Yes it most definitely is a new you. Ive known you since we started schooling. Now, today your so much different from that person that I've known way long ago.
We use to share practically everything since then. I don't wanna go away from you, but you leave me no choice. You're not going in the right path, I feel when I join you, I mite as well. I've tried telling you more than once, not only me but others as well, but you don't seem to budge.

I'm gonna miss the amount of laughter, the amount of jokes and the amount of evrything. We still will be friends but no longer close best buddies. Remember those times? When you and I fought, evryone tried very hard to make us friends back again. Ahaha, memories.

Memories will last. Gonna miss you as my Best bud, but ur still there as my friend.

Its literally swollen.

My handdd....is literally swollen! On valentine's day while evryone else receives dedications and such, we the form 3's of my school, gets a jab. Ohhh!!! The needle was freakinnn longgg....when they put in, a slight pinch lik pain is thr...bt wen its bout 10-15mins afta the medicine gets into our body, really I couldn't move my left hand for a whole day. Sad sad.

Its swollen now. Thanks school. Well its actually for preventing us from getting Tetenus it seems( sum disease ). Neway so my hand still hurts. 2mrw in school we're having kerja kayu?? You have gotta be kidding me?! Its gonna hurt soo bad. Thank gosh it is a holiday today. Its a public holiday.

Neway, Happy Valentines Day to evryone!!! May evryone spend their with their loved ones. This year doesn't seem to be a happening year for valentines day. Last year it was kinda massive. Hmmm evryone's broke? LOL. jz kidding.

May god bless evryone