Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Guess wat?!!!!

I'm so excited for CHRISTMAS!

OH its painfull.

Seriously, Kh is getting on my nerves. Literally. Very hard la to sew...haizz.
So, this saturday I'm goin 4 a camp....hopefully its nice..

Yesterday in skool, we we're playing so many new games using UNO Cards. We played crazy zero, Go Fish, Heart Attack-Version 2 n Thumbs up!
Damn cun noe! Thn we had the most weirdest thing in skool... We hd sum ceramah on hw to bake. The chocolate cookies taste awesome but the butter cake was dry. XD

The best of all was the CAT'S TONGUE ( the name doesn't suit the taste at all! ) Seriously, it was awesome...It was was sweet...

Today again sadly is a wednesday.2 Hours of hell....(KH).Today we have to return our books bck to the skool and get our nxt yr's bks.. gonna be heavy!

Yea so thats it for now.. chiaos... btw I want to tell sumthing May god bless Jo-KyM...^^