Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Stop pushing me

Stop pushing me to hate you, B....
Seriously, Im trying my very best not to do so. You're such a erghh! Shit you la. You are getting on evryone's nerves. You're so the bloody irritating. You are causing problems. You think SHE likes you, ahaha, nope SHE likes me better. xD.

You're so mean to people, you think you're a big issue to evryone, which you're definitely NOT. You're getting on my nerves too often these days. Ive shouted once, and I did not talk to you for 5 days after that. I don't mind not talking to you forever.

You always ask me for my opinion, and you always want the honest answer, when I do give you the honest answer, you NEVER listen. Shit YOU.
There's always a saying FORGIVE AND FORGET, but in your case I maybe forgave you, but never forgetting it. Its not that I don't want but I can't.

You're so self fish. You'ree TOO selfish. Which is stupid. I HATE YOU.
Trying my best to calm myself down. Idiot, you're really an Idiot. xD

Yours Truly,

Internet Connection Downnn

Crap u know. 2 days did not have internet connection. Had to reset the whole bloody thing. 2mrw is the 9th, going out with friends after sooo LONG!. Yay! Cant waitttt...

Planning to watch Pirates. Hopefully its nice. Speaking of Pirates. Johnny Depp. wow. Hot Hot. HAHAHA. His a good actor.
Plan to wear blue 2mrw! Probably gladiator heels, not so sure.
Hmmm. Nothing new happened recently. Finished my GEO folio happily. Sejarah folio, HAVE NOT YET STARTED.

Boredom is killing.
