Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Lets talk bout christmas this year:
Well lets start with the presents aite?
These are the things I gt this year for xmas.
a) GUESS bag
b) P&CO bag
c) Jewelry
d) Laptop Cover
e) Adidas Sneakers
f) Pink Pussycat Purse
g) Clutch
h) Cash-

xD yea..

So christmas this year we spent it to the fullest with both friends and family.
We definitely enjoyed ourselves.
Where do I begin? I'l start from Christmas Eve.
Around 8am, my mum started doing the final touches for xmas for both decorating and cooking. Then when the clock dinged around 2pm, me and my mum went to the saloon. My mum curled her hair while I just washed and blowed =)
By the time we gt home was bout 6-ish...

My mum prepared some sandwiches so yea we ate them. My mum made sumthing light to eat because usually every year we go to our grandma's house afta midnite mass. Yea so the same thing we did this year. Afta eating we took a brake, talking to each other then around 8:45-ish, we all went to get ready for midnite mass. Everyone took their own sweet time to get ready, literally. Then we went to church as planned. =)
Mass ended at 12am, so we took the time to wish our friends in church! It took a while...

Afta all the hugs and the kisses, we headed to my grandma's house ws bout 1-ish in the morning. We hugged and kissed again, then we ate. Everyone was having fun.
Then we gave out presents to our cousies and so did they.

Around 3-ish we came bck home, we never actually sleep on that day, xD
we came home, and we opened our presents. It was really amazing. Everyone gt sumthing. No matter wht ws the present, we all knew that the tot that was worth counting.Then we head to bed around 5-ish? yea.

The next day:
We gt up around 9-ish. Headed to my other grandma's house. Ate BRANCH.
(combination of both breakfast and lunch) Met other couzies. Had fun, chattin afta a long time. Then at nite, the partay was in my house!!!!Yea!!
Friends and family were there!! Eating and "drinking" lol, My friends Vvn,Eunice,Sharu,Michelle,Izzati,Sheena came! A few bums cudn't make it. sadly.
Neway, my friends went back around 12-ish. We all went to bed around 4-ish.
Yea. so...that was that day

We headed to PD!!!YahoOO!OO!We took 2 cars. In my dad's car were me,my mum n dad, n both of my brothas. In the other car, ws my sista, bro-in-law n lil matt.

So we we're leading in our journey cuz my dad noes the way ;) We were talking and laughing until my dad missed a road :s
We had to take another road that added an hour to our journey. But atlast we reached our destination, lol.

The place where we went was amazing. We needed a brake afta all the hardwork noe? ;)
So yea we stayed there for about 2 nites 3 days. We enjoyed ourselves. Then we came bck ytdy. Christmas was awesome in evryway =) Hoping for an awesome new year as well.
Bye Bye 2010, Halloooo 2011.

Speaking of 2010, it wasn't a bad year nither a gud year. Hopefully nxt year will be way better. May god bless us all. =) Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year. <3


Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Christmas this year.

was absolutely nice! =) Haaa...where do I start??.
So many to upload, so many to tell!

Err...I'm so very the tired, just came bck frm PD. Was it awesome?? Yes it was very the AWESOME. So will update and upload soon =)


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Went to.....

Pyramid again ystdy. Did shopping for my brotha. xD
We went and ate in this restaurant called Ole Ole Bali.Cun rite?
The food there comes in big amounts, literally. Reli Reli BIG.
The food was good.^^

Then we we're all head back home, and well lets see, went to bed?? yea, we did that. xD

Monday, December 20, 2010

The sweeter version?xD

Reli love this version. =)

Its gonna be busy.

This whole week its gonna be busy!!! yay! xD
Its christmas week. My brotha Isaac came bck frm UK the day b4 ystdy.

So yea,
-chiaos- ( kinda buzy. bye. )

Friday, December 17, 2010

Caroling Ystdy.

GAUDNESS. There were soooooo many ppl. Reli. My sista chose the songs. ==
She chose * Joy to The World
* Hark The Herald Angel Sing
* Jingle Bells

wth. neway... so was very nice! So loud and cheerful. While singing evry yr someone in my fmly wil laugh. Lik this year it had to be ME and my brotha. Hopefully no wan noticed. Last Year ws my brotha Isaac and my sista.

Its very hard to control, especially wen u hear sumone singing wrongly. xD
so yea thats bout it...

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Oh Xmas Tree...

Caroling later at home!!!! yay. Caroling is one the of the best parts of christmas!

Can't wait, but later i gt ttn. Bt carolers oni cumin around at 10pm, cz my house is the anchor house i think.
Yea so ... Cant wait.^^


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

11 more days...

forrrr CHRISTMAS!! yay! I cant wait. But I don't want it to come early then it will end very fast :(

Christmas please come fast but please go slow! xD
They say that Christmas is the season for giving. Actually to be exact its the season to give and receive. xD

Who wants money for christmas rite? Money you're just gona spend it then its gone, but presents are meant to be kept. It doesnt matter wat is d present of how much it cost's it matters tat the person who is giving has tot bout you. When a person gives a present you will sooo happy rite? Awesome feeling. LOL^^

So yea

I found this

nice thing on facebook: If a fat man in a red suit puts you in a bag , don't cry ! I asked for you for Christmas . :) ♥ Put this on everyone's wall that you love !



Sunday, December 12, 2010


I went to Subang Parade and Empire Shopping Gallery. The deco in Empire ws nice =), Subang Parade nt much...

If you wanna shop in Empire, you have to bring loads of money. Yea.
The things in Empire were nice! Seriously! I saw this bag from COACH. I wanted it soo badly, I even tol my mum, you buy me as a xmas gift, on the day we're opening I'l act surprised. She gv me a bad look and took the price tag. Guess how much that bag was?
RM 950.00 . I was lik..ummm...its meant 2 be an expensive christmas???

Wt do u expect frm COACH rite? ( well ofcourse I din get the bag ) If you're gonna buy shoes, EMPIRE is the place to go seriously. Can get awesome looking shoes. They even hv 6-7 inches shoes. -.-

The pictures are: The Xmas Trees

The Spider
Subang Parade xD

Then we went to Uncle Lim's Kopitiam.wth.
I ate Wanton Soup. My mum - Uncle Lim's so called special laksa. eheeee
My dad - Nasi Lemak..

Then I suggested to eat ice-cream in Swensen's. Well no wan was in the mood 4 ice-cream, so I din gt my ice-cream. -.-

Then in Subang Parade, they had this antic combs on sale. I ws like..wth.

Friday, December 10, 2010


Today I helped oni helped to bake cookies. reli. My sista evry yr will make chocolate chip cookies. And as well as this yr, so yea I helped.

Then later mite go shopping AGAIN.yay.oh its just awesome.
Tats bout it

Thursday, December 9, 2010


the cookies are being made at home, for christmas. Yay. Hah...damn nice you noe...
The other day, I was forced by Bala to like his dare on facebook. and I did. -.-
So I told him he owes me. xD. Thn he tol me he'll belanja me this thursday( in ttn)

n he did. He gv me my fav drink, chrysanthemum. hmmm
Thanks Bala! =) ^^

The most exciting thing

happened, wanna noe what? Nothing. Seriously.
Aiyoo damn bloody bored.

So this 18th of Dec 10, we're celebrating XMAS in I-City. And on the same day, my brotha Isaac is cuming. Its gona be awesome. Hopefully. xD

Nothing much, la this time


Monday, December 6, 2010

Cuteness 4 Christmas.

-Cute or wat??-

Oh, its killing

me. Seriously. The mosquitoes are to be put to death. XD
Today din go out cause its my sista's turn to do her shopping therefore meaning taking care of Matt.

So the whole day i've been at home, laying around n guess wat I actually did. I cleaned my room?! This is so nt me. Okay2, I'm exaggerating. I clean practically evry year, ONCE.

Yea. So my room is now neatly arranged in both colour and order. XD
The music was so loud until my mum whoosh the door open, and screamed Why T he Heck is the MUSIC SO LOUD??????? I was like : It relaxes my brain?
My mum ws like: Slow it down. Slams the door. * slows the volume down by 3*
(doesn't make much difference.) xP

LOL....I found all my old diaries, my gumez. It ws old. Usually my story books will be in the see-thru cupboard, I changed it tis time, nw its in the unsee-thru cupboard.XD I'm so bored now, I had Pizza for dinner.


Since I'm bored

- Times Square -

I will post the pictures. I just saw my camera, and I oni took pictures of Times Square n Pyramid. I 4got bout Midvalley n 1 Utama??? Weird.

yea so Xmas getting closer. So bloody excited, but dun wanna be tooo excited cuz...sumthing might go wrong....XD...


Saturday, December 4, 2010

Pyramid was awesome. If you guys wanna shop, go to pyramid, gt lot of varieties...XD
The decorations in sunway was nice, reli nice...the pics i'l upload later la...
I love my shoes la for Xmas. XD.eheheeee....neway....I bought a present for matthias adi! I found it in pyramid la, its a candy machine. Its red in colour.


Thursday, December 2, 2010


here i cum!!! I'm goin to pyramid, I think, well, its actually, most probably,100% a shopping day. yay. awesome rite. haizz...the trees at home are getting filled day by day with presents^^. This year am oni going to buy present for my lil nephew Matthias. Pokai la buy for everyone! Okay, OKay i'm just kidding!I'l buy for all. XD

So yea, nothing new happened. I 4got 2 mention things in my other posts. The other day wen we went to Times Square n all, we ate ice-cream. And not just any ice-cream! It was Haagen Daz! If you're gona try Haagen Daz, try Macadamia Nut! Its awesomeeeeee....