Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Today KH was tiring. Kerja Kayu!! We had to saw so many pieces of wood.
Bloody Hell, it was pain alrite.

But now I feel sooo happy and I dunno why. Other than that nothing new happened.
OHH Ya. I saw this cute pencil case, I wanted it so bad. AND YES I'M GETTING IT. :)

God bless

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Its true....

Like if you have ever done one of these things...
1. Gone up a down escalator
2. Tried to make a fish follow your finger
3. Gone in the fridge for no reason
4. Stared at someone to see if they would realise
5. Pretended to drive when in the passengers seat
6. Played air guitar madly
7. (Boys only) Become addicted to COD
8. Watched water droplets fall down a window to see who would win
9. Picked everything off a pizza
10. Laughed at a random memory
If you like this...You Are Normal :)

Found these in FACEBOOK.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Toooo Formal much?

Oh gosh, guess what? We have to wear school uniform to MGS'S IU Day. Damn sad la.
But wth rite?? Whrs the skool spirit???? Semangat-ly wanna show tat we're from CONVENT, so were gonna wear school uniforms!

Go Convent.

Neway, Im buying High School's Interact T-shirt, it looks cun.
Love the colour. Dun have much time to chat, so

Thursday, February 17, 2011

A lil while wudn't hurt wud it?

ehehe. Yea. So a lil while will be blogging. xD

So, my skool's IU Day has been postponed to the 19th of March.

Venue: SMK Convent Klang
Time : In the morning
Theme: Thailand
yea, peeps betta gt the tickets and gt ur butts here on that day!

Neway, evrything is goin kinda well. I guess?
Nothing new? Other than we're getting the second dos of the jab sooner or later.
Some are saying the second one is in March some saying in June. I hope its in June, I dun wan it to be so fast.

And yes!!The pressure is ON.
ON I tell ya! ON, ON!!
What am I talking about? well, EXAMS ofcourse.
The 3rd of MARCH,there it begins...and ends on the 7th.
This year is such an important year for the form the threes, the 15 yr olds.


Lets see, MGS IU day I was planning not to go, but my friends are pursuing me tooo much. So I'm goin. Its on the 26th of Feb, the same day as my skool's Health Campaign but ours is in the morning their IU day in the afternoon. So yea, my friends and I are taking the bus from school. Our school is providing the transport. Cun rite?


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Is it a new you?

Yes it most definitely is a new you. Ive known you since we started schooling. Now, today your so much different from that person that I've known way long ago.
We use to share practically everything since then. I don't wanna go away from you, but you leave me no choice. You're not going in the right path, I feel when I join you, I mite as well. I've tried telling you more than once, not only me but others as well, but you don't seem to budge.

I'm gonna miss the amount of laughter, the amount of jokes and the amount of evrything. We still will be friends but no longer close best buddies. Remember those times? When you and I fought, evryone tried very hard to make us friends back again. Ahaha, memories.

Memories will last. Gonna miss you as my Best bud, but ur still there as my friend.

Its literally swollen.

My literally swollen! On valentine's day while evryone else receives dedications and such, we the form 3's of my school, gets a jab. Ohhh!!! The needle was freakinnn longgg....when they put in, a slight pinch lik pain is wen its bout 10-15mins afta the medicine gets into our body, really I couldn't move my left hand for a whole day. Sad sad.

Its swollen now. Thanks school. Well its actually for preventing us from getting Tetenus it seems( sum disease ). Neway so my hand still hurts. 2mrw in school we're having kerja kayu?? You have gotta be kidding me?! Its gonna hurt soo bad. Thank gosh it is a holiday today. Its a public holiday.

Neway, Happy Valentines Day to evryone!!! May evryone spend their with their loved ones. This year doesn't seem to be a happening year for valentines day. Last year it was kinda massive. Hmmm evryone's broke? LOL. jz kidding.

May god bless evryone

Friday, February 4, 2011

For the past few months

I have been craving for pizza. It has been months since I ate them. Everytime I keep asking my mum to buy me, something else comes up. So i'm at home, doing things which a normal kid wud do, my mum goes out wit dad. Afta bout an hour or so, she comes back with pizza for me!! Dreams do come true! lol, xD

Yea. This whole week I din have tuition classes because of chinese nw yr. But I hv sunday class tis wk, bt nxt wk is a holiday cz its OLL's feast day.

Nothing unusual happen. Today my cousins frm Bangsar came, she recently gave birth to a baby girl, which I forgot to take a picture off, ehehe. The baby is soo cute.
Yea so they came ovr, catching up with things and such.

Ohhh!Yea, the day b4 ystdy, I went shopping wt my mum, n guess wt? I gt a new T frm Soda n a nw pair of slippers. Btw the holidays are coming to an end. So that means my online-ing days are cumin 2 an end as well. The nxt time I mite cum online bck again is wen the march holidays arrive! weehoo...

I have this assignment on seni, reli its so confusing. Dun gt a shit. If u ask me whether I prefer KH or seni? well 100% tat wud be KH. Last yr I ws complaining bout KH, I take all those bck, seriously. Maybe I won't blame the subject, I think its me. I'm jz nt liking the subject.


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Its good to be back ;)

Woa, the start of the year has been well so far. Only during the holidays i get to go online. Its the Chinese New Year Holidays!!!! Wohoooo n its the year of the rabbit!!!
So yea Michelle my fwen invited me to her house, but I doubt I can make it.

Yo peeps out there!!! Convent's IU day is coming up!!!
Venue : SMK CONVENT KLANG (roxs)
Time : sumtime in the morning
Date : 26th of February 11

So cum and join in the fun! IU day is International Understanding Day. Every year we speak and spread around a country's culture and the works. So this year's theme is Thailand. You will see thai food, dances...n much more.

Then on the 28th of May 11, SMK Convent's event of the year! Canteen Day! Awesomest to the awesomest... Well last year we cudn't hav it bcuz our pengetua was retiring. This year is back on! WohooO!.
Make sure all you peeps come, aite!

Neway, lets get bck to me.
Valentines day is coming! LOL. My birthday as well. My birthday is exactly 1 month after valentines day, so u get wat i mean.

Tats it 4 nw, Happy Chinese New Yr 2 all peeps!