Sunday, January 31, 2010


Hey, it has been so long blogging..i've been pretty bz lately.
Um, lets c, my name no need, but i'm studing in SMK CONVENT, am 14, luv de colours red n black. I'm a Christian! so, tats it..

Nothin new so far, other than our skool's merentas desa is cumin up tis saturday, 6th of Jan. We're planning a picnic..while walking. The we i mean is Me n Vvn. We plan 2 pack sandwiches, orange juice, sunglasses ;), jz incase a hand fan. Coo ryte, but shhh...our t'chers dun noe bout it..n guess wat..we dun care if we win, we're gonna walk.

So, then we'll b having our sukantara than sukan..which is mega-boring! Other than tat bout skool..i'l update u sooner or later..

So chiaos, tc..luv n hugs 2 all...

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