Friday, April 23, 2010

Mising My Old Gang

I'm missing the fun I had in 1E!!! Shit la, i miss it so much. Haizz miss my pals Dhivya,Marion,Yuga,Sharu n d gang all. Our jokes and laughs wud never end. We use to be the noisiest! We usually annoy others in class.

There's nw during their PJ, I went outside and danced n joked wit them. It was a memory indeed. hahaha...My BM t'cher, never cares if students go out of the class or eat in the class..nothing she doesn't care at all. Thats y we actually so daring.

Once, my Chinese friends in class we're talking very loudly and not doing their work. I dunno whether my BM t'cher was drunk or wat, she told them if you dun wanna do your work can, but dun la make noise. Evryone was lik WTH??!!! For the past half hour we've been doing our work and 10mins b4 goin home she says its okie if u dun want!!

Yea tats my BM t'cher. Typical rite?!

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