Wednesday, June 23, 2010

A few things I missed

recently to post, lets see where do I begin...

Firstly, last saturday my friends Jo-Kym and Vevian came to my house. We had an awesome time seriously!!!
It was actually Jo-Kym's birthday we were celebrating but she din noe bout it.
We watched a movie: Confessions of a Shopaholic!!!
We all loved her shoes and outfits, and she had 12 credti cards, WOA!! neway
( getting carried away ).
While watching the movie we cut Jo-Kym's birthday cake! yea..then we took pictures in the gym at my house.

Then we had to go tuition. ==

Hmmm the next day I thought got sunday class BUT din I din go.. Hw i found out? n Vvn annoyed someone so bloody badly she din even reply to the wall post we sent her ahaha!! Reli I think she's pist off.

Oni the three of us know who it is. LOL

ISCF Rally is on the 31st of July yay!!!
Hope everyone can come! Me, Jo-Kym and Vevian are ushering.
Um..the fliers are out! Get one now! ASAP!
Make sure you ppl out thr keep ur dates free for the 31st of July.

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