It was bloody the awesome.
Since it was the holidays, my sista planned to take me out for a movie and the movie was BEASTLY. Oh yea!! It was awesome.
The guy was the HOT. Literally HOT.HOT. The guy was too hot until this happened.
We enter the theater, our seats were couple seats. So yea, we sat right at the end. A bunch of girls sat at the other end. When the movie started, the guy named Kyle ( in the movie ) was doing some exercise bare bodily, so they suddenly screamed just like for 2 seconds and stopped. Dun reli noe why they screamed was it because he was too hot? or they couldn't see guys bare bodily. Weird. xD
Yea. So again THE MOVIE WAS AWESOME. Vanessa looked kinda matured. Maybe her hairstyle din suite her. Mary-Kate also starred in the movie. She was some kinda witch. But I don reli get that part. They're all in this normal high school .Suddenly there's a witch?. Yea awkwarddd...
But overall it was awesome...
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