Wednesday, March 30, 2011

So many to do!!

Yes soo many folios to do.

So my skool's charity nite is on the 30th of April!!Evryone do come!!!
I was planning to not attend La Salle's IU day.But once again I was forced by my friends. Errghh...n yes I am GOING.

Their ticket looks kinda cool! xD. Their theme is FIJI. Looking forward to this upcoming event :)

Gonna continue doing my Sivik Folio which dues this Thursday ( 31 April 2011 )

On the same day of my skool's charity nite, my church, the AWESOME PRODIGAL APOSTLES are gonna perform from their very own album in WISMA Lourdes KLang! Everyone is invited :) Tickets are RM15. Time at 7:30pm.

Nothing much happened this week. We have this exam coming up. Its not really like an exam more to like a test lah. Its called FOCUS 1. wth rite.
So, Im gonna go continue the sivik folio as I said. xD


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