Monday, May 2, 2011


Boring la their IU Day. Expected quite alot. But nothing exciting happened. They had their IU day in Dewan Teluk Gadong. So I go there. While Registering I saw Jenifer! X Convent Student. She came there to perform. Their theme was KOREAN.

The convent students left early cuz there had to prepare for Charity Nite that evening. They all left around 4pm. So me and Tasha felt we were going to be alone wanted to sit with our friends from other skool. Aso she wanted to sit with her boyfriend. So I tagged along. Tasha sat next to Thiva and Bala sat next to me. We're talking, suddenly this teacher (dun wanna name wt skool) cums up and asks us to go back to our places. Afta that I din have the mood for IU Day, so I txted my dad to come and fetch me. So I went home, got ready for charity nite. Ohh ya, before that I took a picture with Bala using Lingesh's camera. Guess wat? His mom took it to Indon. So it can't be uploaded.


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