Yea, things are back to normal as it suppose to be. Glad it is.
We as in my sista, my nephew and I watched Kung Fu Panda 2 jz now. It was quite nice. It was very funny.
Guess wat?I havent started on my kerja rumah terancang yet. SHIT. Gone lah, planning on starting it tomorrow! Hopefully can finish everything by tmr, and start on my folios.
Shit those lah. Folio, seriously?. Which ever ass who invented those really needs atleast two slaps. xD
Crapping?Yea most probably since Im u-know-what.AHAHA. U don't know? Well. BORED, I mean.
Nothing new happened. Tmr gt tuition. Today din have cuz my Pn.Asiah's child got married. Im saying child because half of the world is saying her son's getting married another half saying her daughter, which I din even noe she had one.
OOH!Ohh!Yeaa! I managed to download a movie into my MP4. Yay! Its a funny movie. :D.
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