Like seriously. I soo wanna go OUT. Boredom is killing me. Guess wat? After I dunno how long, since STEP UP 3 came up, I watched it last friday only. ANDDDD... it was AWESOME.
I want to watch soo many movies! I wanna watch Kung Fu Panda 2, Cars 2 n Pirates of the Caribbean 4! Shitt lah too many to watch too little time. xD. Its suppose to be 2 weeks of peace and quietness + a LOT of fun-ness but NOooo, we're given assignments like as if we don't have better things to do. xD.
Maybe we dont :P.
Lol. I miss my friends already! The break up between my buddies just makes the holidays even more boring. We cant hangout out like we use to :(. Just wish they're back together. I miss so many people! Jokym,Laksa,Amira,Tjenli,Michelle,Shabrina,Vvn,Dhivya,Sharu and Geography^^and more ofcourse. :)
Haizz But thank god for the freaking holidays. Need a bloody brake from certain things. Not the shopping part and all ofcourse.
Yesterday was a sunday,where every sunday we as a family will go out for dinner after church, we ate at BOSTON's. Steamboat, was awesomeee. I burned my tongue btw, I din really blow proparly so yeaa... it still hurts! xD.
Later at nite got tuition. Cnt wait to see my friends!!!xD.
Ohhh yeaaa I forgot. I cut my hair. Yeaaa its ummm short, very the SHORT.
Its nottt thattt baddd... Wondering where's the picture?? Well, ITS STILL WITH MY BROTHA. I hope he has plans on giving them back to ME.
Did I mention the fact that my brotha Isaac is coming down this SATURDAY? I miss him so bloody much. Glad his cumin home. *Im coming home by Jessie J plays* My version: His coming home..his coming home...Im gonna tell the world, that his comingg homee... xD LAME.
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