Sunday, May 8, 2011

Its the end once again

The weekends coming to an end. Jz came bck frm a wedding, was lazy to take pictures so din. Caught up with long lost cousins. It was fun.

Later will be going to church. In the morning wen for Sunday Skool.They had a talk lah, it was so the B.O.R.I.N.G.
So, wen the day comes to an end, my online-ing days come to an end as well. Gotta get ready for the MID TERM CRAP. I jz don't get it lah, we jz oni had the Fokus Exam nw its the mid-term? Oh goshhh...

I want to go to sleep. ZZzzz. Feeling rather sleepy, dunno why. xD. Im crapping sumthing cuz Im bored.

-chiao- Gonna miss you. *HUGS LAPTOP*. xD.

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