Haha Went to church just now. Feel real good. =)
Nothing new happened. The days are getting closer for my brotha Isaac to touch down. Weee. Tis saturday, the 4th of June 11 he will come back. Well, its not really a holiday. His gonna be here for two months. The first month, he'l do his electives in Hospital Tengku Ampuan Rahimah. Yea. The second month is where he'l be going to all these places like Terengganu, Srawak n such for holiday with his mates!
Another week only left for my holidays to end. :(. So little time. Haizz. 9th of June awaits me and my friends! lol.
OHHH shitt. Did I like forget? To post about? Scotty Mccreery? OMG. Sorry about this very late update on him. He is the 10th American Idol. Fairly, I thought Alaina should have won, but America decided, soo yea. Both deserve to win I guess!
My sista is just being annoying by shaking the freakin belly dancing belt, over and over again. =.=. Seriously? When is she gonna stop! xD. Newayy... I can play Marry You by Bruno Mars on the freakin PIANO! Yay! I ain good at it, but you can figure it out that Im playing what song. *crowd cheers* Lol.
Tomorrow is a FRIDAY. So fast a week has gone!. Oh goshhh. Tis is badd real badd. Need freakin more time. Time is never on our side why ah? xD.
Wanna watch the freakin Caribbean movie! LOL. They replaced Keira Knightley with Penelope Cruz. Errr don't really have comments on this. Hope its gud!
Annnnddd Transformers? A MUST WATCH. Its coming out I dunno when. Im sure its only after the holidays. They replaced freaking Megan Fox with some other dudette. How freaking LAME?. Megan Fox is like the perfect match for OUR Shia Labeouf! ><.
-chiaos- I miss you, again. haha. =)
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